New Ideas and Designs for custom kitchen cabinets

custom kitchen cabinets
How new hardware gives you more options to customize kitchen cabinets

New Ideas and Designs for custom kitchen cabinets

Designing custom kitchen cabinets is mainly for that little space between the wall and the last cabinet in the lineup. Or it is this window which is just in the way and makes in necessary to look for some sort of custom kitchen cabinets and cupboards. Quite often these adaptations are done in a traditional way, using a smaller cabinet with a simple door or drawer, just to make it look like the kitchen front. With the new developments of hardware custom kitchen cabinets can be more than just the filler for empty spaces.

New elements for custom kitchen cabinets

One of the most recent kitchen hardware developments designing custom kitchen cabinets is the use of light. In the kitchen designs section we feature the new way of incorporating light within the cabinet. Not just a spot or lamp, but putting the light in the cabinet. Especially if you have those 15 inch (38cm) gaps to cover, a cabinet with light tubes and glass doors-drawers can give the custom made furniture an eye catching element.

Another nice solution for custom built kitchen cabinets are Blums new corner drawer guides designs for kitchen cabinets. Here the space within the blind corners of a L-shape kitchen lineup can be used in a more efficient an better way. The same guides can be of great use developing a custom made kitchen cabinet for a special need.

All in all make sure you get enough different ideas on using newly developed hardware for your custom kitchen cabinets. Just to overcome the traditional way of filling up the gaps with cut cabinets, looking the same as the other doors and drawers can be a challenge. With some inspiration and knowledge of what kind of new hinges, guides, knobs and handles are available, designing custom kitchen cabinets can be a great challenge to every good cabinet maker.

Kitchen Cabinets